1. Designed in Australia for Australian Hardwood.
2. All ground model mills can be upgraded to fully road registerable trailer model at any time.
Machine can be updated to full hydraulic options at any time
3. Hardwood Mills Australia has many optional extras to make your milling experience easier and faster , such as full hydraulic options to load, turn toeboard and clamp your logs.
So you can upgrade your mill to a trailer , Hydraulic and manual option any time
4. All of Hardwood Mills Australia’s band saw sawmills adhere to Australian safety standards, including emergency stops, cut of switches in the doors, correct distance from the spinning blade, barrier between the operator and the spinning blade and dead mans throttle.
5. Depth of cut- Hardwood Mills Australia are the only band saw sawmills available in Australia with the huge depth of cut, 457.2mm(18″) which have a massive benefit over most band saw sawmills that have the blade positioned near the top of the doors. These benefits include